Freight Car Couplers and Draft Gear Systems


Objectives: Learn maintenance procedures on various types of coupler and draft systems used on railway equipment. The course covers comprehensive information that identifies the various components, identification, inspection and gauging details for various systems used on railway freight cars.

Audience: Mechanical maintenance personnel, foremen or others responsible for servicing and maintaining freight cars and their components.

View Lesson Information

Lesson IDLesson Title
LSCDG1ACouplers & draft system dynamics
LSCDG2AType E couplers
LSCDG3AType E/F couplers
LSCDG4AType F couplers
LSCDG5AUncoupling levers
LSCDG7ADraft gears
LSCDG8ACushioning devices
LSCDG9AHydra-Cushion center-of-car unit
LSCDG10ASlackless drawbars
LSCDG11ANational Castings, articulated connectors
LSCDG12ASpherical articulated coupling (SAC-1)

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